Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Goosebumps Horrorland:

"Goosebumps Horrorland: Revenge of the living dummy" it's a mild reading and a pretty interesting history (it actually has 2 stories for each Goosebumps Horrorland).
The book is about an old Goosebumps character Slappy the living dummy so the story starts at about the end of the story.
Each book has a token this books token is gray and it has Slappy on it, Special Guests in this case the 2 best friends
Britney Crosby and Molly Molly, The classic enemy Mr. Wood (Slappy), Featured HorrorLand area Stagger Inn, and a main attraction Madame Doom.

Britney Crosbey's dad has a big collection of dummies and his cousin Ethan who is a ventriloquist is spending a week at Britney Crosbey's and brings, Mr. Badboy (Slappy). And his cousin Ethan starts controling Mr. Badboy with a remote control and so Britney doesn´t know and starts freaking out because Ethan starts making Mr. Badboy to move, talk, hide her things, and other weird stuff. So Britney goes to his dad´s attic (where he keeps the dummies) so she finds a thing about Mr. Badboy that will make him either to put him on a long sleep or will wake him from it. So she reads the thing and after that she finds out that Mr. Badboy was being controlled by a remote so she thinks that the whole thing was dumb and forgets about it and then she hears footsteps... Mr. Badboy was now alive.

that's a Goosebumps Horrorland video "an interview with Slappy"

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